A film by Asteris Kutulas • Music by Mikis Theodorakis • Choreography by Renato Zanella
cfp award

André Hennicke

Hennicke was born in Steinheidel-Erlabrunn (Saxony) in 1958. He was awarded a German television award for his work in “Toter Mann” in 2002. He has appeared in the 2004 film “Downfall” as SS General Wilhelm Mohnke, 2005’s “Sophie Scholl – The Final Day“s as infamous Nazi judge Roland Freisler, and the 2005 docudrama “Speer und Er” as Nazi leader Rudolf Hess. In 2009 he appeared as one of the primary antagonists in science-fiction thriller “Pandorum”, portraying the leader of a group of genetically mutated human-hybrids.

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