Ina Kutulas was born in 1965 in Magdeburg, Germany. During her lengthy stays in Greece (1992-1996 and 2005-2006) she developed from a poet to composing prose. Currently Ina Kutulas focuses on the writing of essayistic writings. So far two of her books were published as well as a variety of adaptions of Greek poetry in German magazines and books. She worked together with Asteris Kutulas at the unofficial DDR-publisher “Bizarre Städte“, the month boulevards “Sondeur”, during the film projects “Sun and Time” and “Mikis Theodorakis. Composer” and at the making of the book “Mikis Theodorakis – A life in pictures”. She was co-author of the feature movies “Recycling Medea” (2014) and “Dance Fight Love Die” (2015). Ina currently lives in Berlin as a freelancing author and publicist.